Especialista sênior Lucas Xavier qualifica tese de doutorado sobre conversores para baterias

Postado em 22/jan/2021

GESEP Ph.D. student Lucas Xavier has defended his qualifying exam entitled: “A Comprehensive Analysis of Design and Performance of Power Converters for Battery Energy Storage System” on December 14th through a web conference. The opponents were Tiago Busarello from UFSC-Blumenau, Allan Cupertino from CEFET-MG and Wallace Boaventura from UFMG.

In this work, different power conversion system topologies for BESS application were compared. Furthermore, the influence of the battery voltage variation on the inverter design and efficiency were evaluated. The objective of the work is to contribute to the development of a design methodology of power conversion system for BESS and it is inserted in the research and development (R&D) project D722 “Análise de Arranjo Técnico e Comercial baseado em uma Planta Piloto de Sistema Distribuı́do de Armazenamento de Energia em Alimentador Crı́tico da Rede de Distribuição de 13,8 kV”.

According to Lucas: “The qualifying exam was an important opportunity to get new ideas for work continuity, with relevant comments from opponents. The experimental bench development is in progress to validate the theoretical studies and we will have good news soon. I would like to thank my supervisors and the members of the GESEP and LCCE”.


The presentation can be accessed in the following link (slides in English, audio in portuguese)

#Battery #BESS #PowerElectronics #GESEP